by Brian Barber
When I first wrote this, the title was ... Passion Preempts Partner Problems.
Incredible but true, an article website with a name based on ocean-beasts-with-tentacles (you guess!) refused to accept my article (based only on the title) because they thought it might be pornographic !!! Now let's get serious.
Human relationships are prone to problems. There are countless reasons for this, not least of which is summed up by the title of a once famous book: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Meaning that men and women are completely different species and that therefore, the one trying to understand the other is practically impossible. Once you accept this, you will probably agree that total and complete understanding between the two sexes can never be achieved. It therefore follows that a relationship involving daily communication is by definition fraught with problems. All this sounds very theoretical...'til you come to real life.
Let's look at the practical side. One quarter of all marriages in North America ends in divorce. Don't get too excited by a failure rate of “only” one in four. In fact, it has been conservatively estimated that another quarter of North American marriages only appear to be held together because the couple has decided not to separate for reasons other than their relationship. The “classic” one being “for the sake of the children”, an absurdity since the children are well aware of the relationship collapse and suffer more by enduring its presence than from parental divorce. There are many others, such as inertia, guilt, shame, putting it off or practical financial considerations. To sum it up, probably half of North American marriages are or were a disaster.
All of which establishes that relationship breakdown is sadly, very common and as a result there is a gigantic need for help and advice on how to get, or keep people together. Responding to this need, and readily available on the Internet, is all sorts of help for those who have had a relationship breakdown. Articles abound. Websites, blogs, social media all address the subject. What to believe? Where to go? What to do...and how to do it? Lots of questions, and even more answers. Hardly surprising that the newly separated “go crazy” trying to find solutions, always in the hope of getting together again....or what the Internet has renamed “getting your ex back”.
Many of the solutions offered are very sound. Many of the step-by-step plans hold promise of success. Insufficiently emphasized is one very powerful starting point for keeping together, or if already “broken up”, getting back together again. It is Passion. Yes, good old fashioned, straight forward Passion. With a capital “P”!
Separation and break up of relationships are enormous problems. So much so that the victims involved become obsessed, quite rightly with finding solutions. Behaviors and blame. And attitudes. All of which have to be analyzed and addressed. However, as with an accident victim, although it is very important to find the causes, the immediate, critical, urgent need is to stop the bleeding. So it is with relationship breakdown. And this is where Passion can often stop the immediate bleeding of a loving relationship. Passion in the broadest sense...not just tearing your clothes off and leaping into bed!...but rather, things that are the proofs of LOVE.
It could be a smile, a touch, a kiss. It could be a bouquet of favourite flowers, a hand-written note (love letter) or a special treat or outing that lets the partner know, and feel, that this one truly loves me.....despite all other recent appearances to the contrary. In a word, what goes directly to the heart, instead of to the problems, with which both parties are now inundated. If you are drowning, you must get a lifeline...Quick!

Friday, March 18, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
“What Am I Doing Wrong”?
Have you ever said this to yourself, “It seems I can’t do anything right with men.”
Being a responsible person, you work hard at a fulfilling and sometimes demanding job. It’s not that you don’t try to be kind, gracious and patient, but none of that seems to be getting you anywhere. Perhaps the men you date don’t seem to appreciate you or if you’re married it might seem as though your husband seems less interested in your marriage than he did not so long ago.
You’re open to advice, but where should you turn?
If you can relate to this, there is good news. A wonderful book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” will show you exactly the characteristics that men find irresistible in a woman. The good news is that these are things that ANY woman can apply. But there is one word of warning. These insights are powerful and might seem unconventional to a woman because they were designed by a man, to affect men. Please remember this rule: What works with women does not work with men.
Many women have come to this realization when they say these things, “The more I try to please him, the more distant he seems to become.” “When I ask him what’s wrong, he says nothing.”
If you’re a woman who feels frustrated in her relationships, there is good news. You don’t have to try harder, you simply need to know what to try. What you need is a blueprint of what men find captivating in a woman and most likely did in you, as well. “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” is a bestselling e-book that shows women exactly how to attract AND keep a man. This information can be yours simply by going after it, here.
Being a responsible person, you work hard at a fulfilling and sometimes demanding job. It’s not that you don’t try to be kind, gracious and patient, but none of that seems to be getting you anywhere. Perhaps the men you date don’t seem to appreciate you or if you’re married it might seem as though your husband seems less interested in your marriage than he did not so long ago.
You’re open to advice, but where should you turn?
If you can relate to this, there is good news. A wonderful book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” will show you exactly the characteristics that men find irresistible in a woman. The good news is that these are things that ANY woman can apply. But there is one word of warning. These insights are powerful and might seem unconventional to a woman because they were designed by a man, to affect men. Please remember this rule: What works with women does not work with men.
Many women have come to this realization when they say these things, “The more I try to please him, the more distant he seems to become.” “When I ask him what’s wrong, he says nothing.”
If you’re a woman who feels frustrated in her relationships, there is good news. You don’t have to try harder, you simply need to know what to try. What you need is a blueprint of what men find captivating in a woman and most likely did in you, as well. “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” is a bestselling e-book that shows women exactly how to attract AND keep a man. This information can be yours simply by going after it, here.
“Why Do Some Women Always Date Losers?”
Do you know of someone who has a pattern of always dating losers, bad boys, who always break their heart and leave them crying? For those women, oftentimes they need help in identifying the signs of such unreliable men.
Let’s define a loser as a man who is totally into himself and has little empathy for a woman’s needs. He is a man who has a pattern of sweet talking women in an attempt to sweep them off their feet and into the nearest bed. He will wine you and dine you and tell you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have met you. These men are very good at what they do because they’ve had a lot of practice!
These men are wonderful in the beginning of a relationship; however, in time they most always become less attached and more distant to their partner. Some never call back, others break dates and some even “forget” their wallet and their date ends up paying for the meal. Have you ever met or dated a man such as this? Perhaps he never said he loved you, and whenever you spoke about commitment, he would change the subject.
The truth is that no woman ever wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Today I need to find a man who will hurt me.” Rather what most often happens is that many women (and men) tend to confuse intensity with reliability. They meet someone who makes them FEEL wonderful or excited and they assume that he is a good man. The problem isn’t that their feelings are wrong. What gets them into trouble is that their intense feelings often cause them to ignore bad or inconsistent behavior that they would clearly see if they were not so emotionally involved.
What if there was a way to effortlessly attract men who are exciting as well as dependable? Not simply a technique, but a manual that showed how successful women captivate men in such a way that they never get mistreated.
What if information was available to transform you into the woman that men adore? Thankfully such information is available and it’s just one click away. “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” shows every woman the secrets to attract and keep the man of her dreams. This is where you can make your dreams reality
Let’s define a loser as a man who is totally into himself and has little empathy for a woman’s needs. He is a man who has a pattern of sweet talking women in an attempt to sweep them off their feet and into the nearest bed. He will wine you and dine you and tell you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have met you. These men are very good at what they do because they’ve had a lot of practice!
These men are wonderful in the beginning of a relationship; however, in time they most always become less attached and more distant to their partner. Some never call back, others break dates and some even “forget” their wallet and their date ends up paying for the meal. Have you ever met or dated a man such as this? Perhaps he never said he loved you, and whenever you spoke about commitment, he would change the subject.
The truth is that no woman ever wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Today I need to find a man who will hurt me.” Rather what most often happens is that many women (and men) tend to confuse intensity with reliability. They meet someone who makes them FEEL wonderful or excited and they assume that he is a good man. The problem isn’t that their feelings are wrong. What gets them into trouble is that their intense feelings often cause them to ignore bad or inconsistent behavior that they would clearly see if they were not so emotionally involved.
What if there was a way to effortlessly attract men who are exciting as well as dependable? Not simply a technique, but a manual that showed how successful women captivate men in such a way that they never get mistreated.
What if information was available to transform you into the woman that men adore? Thankfully such information is available and it’s just one click away. “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” shows every woman the secrets to attract and keep the man of her dreams. This is where you can make your dreams reality
When it Comes to Men, Some Women Have It...and You Can Too!
Every day in my counseling office, I hear women say some variation of this:
“In the last few years, I have had relationships with men who, at first, seemed perfect for me. They were attentive, attractive and fun to be around. Then suddenly, as if they knew they had reeled me in, they stopped trying. They stopped calling as much, stopped taking me out and basically stopped the romantic dance that couples do when they are falling in love. Was it me? After all, I think I’m attractive, have a good personality and I work out to keep my body in nice shape. So why then, do I always end up with the men who become “couch potatoes” at my house? The men who would rather bring a six pack over and watch football all day and then expect me to fix dinner? Do I suddenly turn into just a “buddy” to them, the girl next door?
I see other women who, frankly, are not as attractive as I am or as thin as I am, who seem to get the “hot” men. I don’t necessarily mean gorgeous men, but the men who take them to nice restaurants, bring them flowers, take them dancing and, basically, “court” them. What secrets do they know that I don’t, because they certainly aren’t sharing them?”
Most women think a wonderful relationship is simply about finding the right man. The truth is that those women who have wonderful relationships didn’t necessarily know where to find good men, instead they attracted them. Would you like to learn how to attract and keep a wonderful man? The best way to find out probably isn’t by talking to a woman; instead, a man would be able to give you the secrets to a man’s heart.
My name is Bob Grant, L.P.C. author of “The Woman Men Adore” and I really want to help you, so I’d like to share with you the secrets that men find irresistible and powerless to resist. The dirty little secret is that having a perfect body isn’t nearly as important as you have been led to believe. You can discover this incredible information by simply going Here! Don't need help now
“In the last few years, I have had relationships with men who, at first, seemed perfect for me. They were attentive, attractive and fun to be around. Then suddenly, as if they knew they had reeled me in, they stopped trying. They stopped calling as much, stopped taking me out and basically stopped the romantic dance that couples do when they are falling in love. Was it me? After all, I think I’m attractive, have a good personality and I work out to keep my body in nice shape. So why then, do I always end up with the men who become “couch potatoes” at my house? The men who would rather bring a six pack over and watch football all day and then expect me to fix dinner? Do I suddenly turn into just a “buddy” to them, the girl next door?
I see other women who, frankly, are not as attractive as I am or as thin as I am, who seem to get the “hot” men. I don’t necessarily mean gorgeous men, but the men who take them to nice restaurants, bring them flowers, take them dancing and, basically, “court” them. What secrets do they know that I don’t, because they certainly aren’t sharing them?”
Most women think a wonderful relationship is simply about finding the right man. The truth is that those women who have wonderful relationships didn’t necessarily know where to find good men, instead they attracted them. Would you like to learn how to attract and keep a wonderful man? The best way to find out probably isn’t by talking to a woman; instead, a man would be able to give you the secrets to a man’s heart.
My name is Bob Grant, L.P.C. author of “The Woman Men Adore” and I really want to help you, so I’d like to share with you the secrets that men find irresistible and powerless to resist. The dirty little secret is that having a perfect body isn’t nearly as important as you have been led to believe. You can discover this incredible information by simply going Here! Don't need help now
“If Only I Could Understand Men….”
Men always say they can’t understand women, and that women are so complicated. Well, for many women, it is the exact opposite. Most would give anything to understand what makes men “tick.” Even though women want to know what he’s thinking, men are often reluctant to share what is in their hearts. What’s a woman to do? Rather than describe all the differences between the sexes, it is often more helpful to focus on a few areas that any woman can understand.
1) Men are more sensitive than women. While that might sound silly, the truth is that men don’t have the ability to recover from emotional trauma as effectively as a woman. Because of this, men keep themselves from getting too upset. When a man hears he should just “let his feelings out,” what he translates that into is this, “If I let my feelings out, I might not be able to control them.”
2) Men hate fighting. For men, conflict is not simply resolving a problem. Fighting, to a man, means one has to win and the other needs to be totally defeated. Men often prefer conflict that is non-emotional because it is less threatening to them. Once a conflict becomes emotionally charged, it is very difficult for a man to contain those feelings and the most frequent coping skill is for them to become quiet. It may seem like they are punishing you, but they are most likely trying not to lose control.
3) Men want to get married. In spite of what many progressive cultures preach, the truth is that a majority of men in the world do get married. While the freedom of being single has its appeal, it comes with one primary drawback – it is lonely. While this might not sound overly romantic, finding a woman that a man can trust is just as important as finding one who is beautiful.
If you liked these insights, there are more available in Bob Grant’s wonderful e-book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.” Bob Grant, L.P.C., has taken his 17 years of private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach and condensed only the best information into a mouth-watering, powerful handbook on what men find themselves powerless to resist in a woman. You can have this information simply by going here. You need the best advice. Do it now!
1) Men are more sensitive than women. While that might sound silly, the truth is that men don’t have the ability to recover from emotional trauma as effectively as a woman. Because of this, men keep themselves from getting too upset. When a man hears he should just “let his feelings out,” what he translates that into is this, “If I let my feelings out, I might not be able to control them.”
2) Men hate fighting. For men, conflict is not simply resolving a problem. Fighting, to a man, means one has to win and the other needs to be totally defeated. Men often prefer conflict that is non-emotional because it is less threatening to them. Once a conflict becomes emotionally charged, it is very difficult for a man to contain those feelings and the most frequent coping skill is for them to become quiet. It may seem like they are punishing you, but they are most likely trying not to lose control.
3) Men want to get married. In spite of what many progressive cultures preach, the truth is that a majority of men in the world do get married. While the freedom of being single has its appeal, it comes with one primary drawback – it is lonely. While this might not sound overly romantic, finding a woman that a man can trust is just as important as finding one who is beautiful.
If you liked these insights, there are more available in Bob Grant’s wonderful e-book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.” Bob Grant, L.P.C., has taken his 17 years of private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach and condensed only the best information into a mouth-watering, powerful handbook on what men find themselves powerless to resist in a woman. You can have this information simply by going here. You need the best advice. Do it now!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Best Seller Books On Relationships May Make A Fool Of You
If your ex has just broken up with you, you may be in the marketplace for books on relationships. But how do you choose the best books on relationships among the many offerings out there?
In this article, I will show you how to choose the best books on relationships. And the answer will surprise you. Read on…
First, don’t be fooled by fancy letters after an author’s name. There are many people who find school to be a convenient escape from real life. Instead of engaging with people, they spend their time in the classroom and library. As a result, they end up with a lot of letters after their names when they hit age 35. They use their degrees to indicate that they have “expert knowledge” of a situation. But does their expertise work in the real world?
Instead, you should look for books on relationships by authors who have been in the trenches. They’ve either put a bad relationship back together themselves or they have helped countless buddies do the same. These aren’t therapy patients that come in for the “fifty minute hour” either. These relationships are those of people the author cares deeply about.
Next, you want to find books that don’t boil down to “put the relationship aside for 30 days and work on yourself during that period.” This is all most “save your relationship” or “get your ex back” reports say. Many of the ebooks on the market turn that concept into 50 page documents. These are just pieces of fluff and don’t deserve your attention – or your money.
Instead, you should look for a book that will give you new information; information that you’re friends can’t give you.
For instance, will the book tell you what women crave the most? Will it give you a step by step guide for how to give it to her? Will the book show you how to recover from an affair? Will it give you specific techniques to get relief from your pain?
Finally, look at who is recommending the book. Do the testimonials seem a little generic? Were they written by the author’s brother and second cousin?
You want to find books on relationships that come recommended by a wide variety of people, in various situations, from all walks of life. If it looks like both a guy from England and a newly engaged woman from Kansas have used the book, chances are it will work for you.
There are many books on relationships on the market. Unfortunately, most of them are drivel because they weren’t written by someone in the trenches. As a result, they have generic advice that could be best summed up in a paragraph or two. Then, what recommendations the book can get are generic in nature, because the book really has nothing going for it.
Finding the best books on relationships can take a little work. But, everything about relationships are work. Shouldn’t you invest the time and money in the very best book out them? For my money, and I've spent a great deal of it researching this important subject, is The Magic Of Making Up, by T (Dub) Jackson. Be good to yourself. Check it out now....Take a look at the right book!
In this article, I will show you how to choose the best books on relationships. And the answer will surprise you. Read on…
First, don’t be fooled by fancy letters after an author’s name. There are many people who find school to be a convenient escape from real life. Instead of engaging with people, they spend their time in the classroom and library. As a result, they end up with a lot of letters after their names when they hit age 35. They use their degrees to indicate that they have “expert knowledge” of a situation. But does their expertise work in the real world?
Instead, you should look for books on relationships by authors who have been in the trenches. They’ve either put a bad relationship back together themselves or they have helped countless buddies do the same. These aren’t therapy patients that come in for the “fifty minute hour” either. These relationships are those of people the author cares deeply about.
Next, you want to find books that don’t boil down to “put the relationship aside for 30 days and work on yourself during that period.” This is all most “save your relationship” or “get your ex back” reports say. Many of the ebooks on the market turn that concept into 50 page documents. These are just pieces of fluff and don’t deserve your attention – or your money.
Instead, you should look for a book that will give you new information; information that you’re friends can’t give you.
For instance, will the book tell you what women crave the most? Will it give you a step by step guide for how to give it to her? Will the book show you how to recover from an affair? Will it give you specific techniques to get relief from your pain?
Finally, look at who is recommending the book. Do the testimonials seem a little generic? Were they written by the author’s brother and second cousin?
You want to find books on relationships that come recommended by a wide variety of people, in various situations, from all walks of life. If it looks like both a guy from England and a newly engaged woman from Kansas have used the book, chances are it will work for you.
There are many books on relationships on the market. Unfortunately, most of them are drivel because they weren’t written by someone in the trenches. As a result, they have generic advice that could be best summed up in a paragraph or two. Then, what recommendations the book can get are generic in nature, because the book really has nothing going for it.
Finding the best books on relationships can take a little work. But, everything about relationships are work. Shouldn’t you invest the time and money in the very best book out them? For my money, and I've spent a great deal of it researching this important subject, is The Magic Of Making Up, by T (Dub) Jackson. Be good to yourself. Check it out now....Take a look at the right book!
Advice on Relationships : How to Keep a Woman Happy
Do you know how to keep a woman happy? Here is some advice on relationships for men.
The first advice concerning relationships is to always be yourself. Many men don’t feel that they are good enough to catch a beautiful, sexy woman, so they put on a show. But a confident man is the sexiest beast around. Have you ever noticed that some of the ugliest guys have some of the prettiest women? That is because they display a level of confidence that is more attractive to women than physical looks.
Next, you should do the little things. This means offering to take her car in for an oil change or giving her a bag of Jelly Bellies (her favorite flavors) from time to time. Sometimes men think in terms of “grand gestures,” when it is really the little things that add up to long relationships.
This ties into the next piece of advice on relationships: appreciate her. You should never take her for granted. Let her know that you value her.
Next up is not obviously looking at other women when you are with her. A woman thinks that you are comparing her to the woman you’re looking at. They don’t understand the whole concept of “the day I stop looking is the day I die.” This comes from the biological drive for monogamy in women. Women are looking for a lifetime partner for a man with whom they can raise children. They can’t help it. That’s how evolution designed them. So minimize the ogling, especially when she’s around.
You should try to make her laugh. While men list good looks at the top of the things they need in a woman, women list a man’s sense of humor. So, if you want the relationship to last, keep her laughing.
The next bit of advice on relationships consists in seeking common interests. It’s great if you got together because of a hobby or an interest, but it still helps when you take an interest in a long standing passion of hers. If this means developing an appreciation for foreign films, so be it. This shows that you care about her and she’ll know you are one in a million.
Once you get the girl, it may seem like you don’t have to try anymore – at least as far as grooming goes. And, while women are less sensitive to looks than men are, they still like a man who makes an effort. So, shave on weekends. Keep in touch with the latest fashion trends for men. In short, don’t get sloppy just because you’ve landed her. You can un-land her just as easily.
She’s going to need to know that she can integrate you into her circle of family and friends. A man must be part of her larger life, especially after the first few weeks of passion are over. So, make an effort to get along with her girlfriends and impress her parents. A woman relies on her social network to validate her relationship choices. Make an effort.
You should always be considerate of her feelings. Women are less stable than men. Part of this is hormonal. When you are sensitive to her mood, you won’t get on her bad side.
The final piece of advice on relationships is to be open to trying new things. At the beginning of a relationship, everything is new from the types of dates you arrange to the way you kiss. But, after a while, these things become routine. If you find that your relationship has fallen into a rut, shake things up. Try something new. It will go a long way to keeping your relationship healthy.
So, there are ten bits of advice on relationships to keep your dating life strong. Look you guys, these things are common sense and the fact is I almost drove my sweetheart out of my life because I didn't pay attention to what I was doing. There is a book that woke me up written by T 'Dub' Jackson called "The Magic Of Making Up". After I read it and began applying his common sense suggestions, our love life turned around. All of my personal relationships, with friends, co-workers and my family have become much smother than they were before.
Check out "The Magic of Making Up" and....get that magic for yourselves!
The first advice concerning relationships is to always be yourself. Many men don’t feel that they are good enough to catch a beautiful, sexy woman, so they put on a show. But a confident man is the sexiest beast around. Have you ever noticed that some of the ugliest guys have some of the prettiest women? That is because they display a level of confidence that is more attractive to women than physical looks.
Next, you should do the little things. This means offering to take her car in for an oil change or giving her a bag of Jelly Bellies (her favorite flavors) from time to time. Sometimes men think in terms of “grand gestures,” when it is really the little things that add up to long relationships.
This ties into the next piece of advice on relationships: appreciate her. You should never take her for granted. Let her know that you value her.
Next up is not obviously looking at other women when you are with her. A woman thinks that you are comparing her to the woman you’re looking at. They don’t understand the whole concept of “the day I stop looking is the day I die.” This comes from the biological drive for monogamy in women. Women are looking for a lifetime partner for a man with whom they can raise children. They can’t help it. That’s how evolution designed them. So minimize the ogling, especially when she’s around.
You should try to make her laugh. While men list good looks at the top of the things they need in a woman, women list a man’s sense of humor. So, if you want the relationship to last, keep her laughing.
The next bit of advice on relationships consists in seeking common interests. It’s great if you got together because of a hobby or an interest, but it still helps when you take an interest in a long standing passion of hers. If this means developing an appreciation for foreign films, so be it. This shows that you care about her and she’ll know you are one in a million.
Once you get the girl, it may seem like you don’t have to try anymore – at least as far as grooming goes. And, while women are less sensitive to looks than men are, they still like a man who makes an effort. So, shave on weekends. Keep in touch with the latest fashion trends for men. In short, don’t get sloppy just because you’ve landed her. You can un-land her just as easily.
She’s going to need to know that she can integrate you into her circle of family and friends. A man must be part of her larger life, especially after the first few weeks of passion are over. So, make an effort to get along with her girlfriends and impress her parents. A woman relies on her social network to validate her relationship choices. Make an effort.
You should always be considerate of her feelings. Women are less stable than men. Part of this is hormonal. When you are sensitive to her mood, you won’t get on her bad side.
The final piece of advice on relationships is to be open to trying new things. At the beginning of a relationship, everything is new from the types of dates you arrange to the way you kiss. But, after a while, these things become routine. If you find that your relationship has fallen into a rut, shake things up. Try something new. It will go a long way to keeping your relationship healthy.
So, there are ten bits of advice on relationships to keep your dating life strong. Look you guys, these things are common sense and the fact is I almost drove my sweetheart out of my life because I didn't pay attention to what I was doing. There is a book that woke me up written by T 'Dub' Jackson called "The Magic Of Making Up". After I read it and began applying his common sense suggestions, our love life turned around. All of my personal relationships, with friends, co-workers and my family have become much smother than they were before.
Check out "The Magic of Making Up" and....get that magic for yourselves!
Learn How To Get Her Back
If you really think that you and your ex are meant to get back together, then you need to learn how to get her back. Learning how to get her back is not necessarily difficult, but it does take some thinking and some planning if you really do want to get the results you seek.
1 - Though it may seem counter intuitive when rekindling the relationship is what you seek, if you want to learn how to get her back you need to begin by cutting off communication for a while. This is going to be tough, and it may even feel as if it is killing you, but it will be killing her even more. After a little bit of time she will begin to realize how much she really needs you, and how much she desperately misses you. Cutting off communication is one of the biggest and most vital steps in rekindling things with your ex.
2 - Allow yourself to recover emotionally. If you want to learn how to get her back, you need to take the time to become emotionally controlled and calmed down. Women dislike me who are desperate, clingy or needy, so pull your life together and get over those feelings long before you consider trying to draw her back in to your life.
3 - Flirt with someone new. This is another step that may seem counter intuitive in nature, but it is extremely useful if you are trying to learn how to get her back. Start talking to another girl, because it will be too much for your ex to bear. Not only will this benefit you because it will take some of your stress away, but it will also let your ex girlfriend know that you are moving on, which will make her jealous and cause her to realize how much she really wants to be with you.
4 - Behave as if nothing is bothering you. In other words, if you want to learn how to get her back, you need to play it cool. She is not going to want to take you back if you are feeling and behaving depressed. You need to make sure that you are behaving as if you are having a good time, overcoming the break up depression to let her know that everything is okay.
5 - Always look your best. Make sure that you are dressed to kill and look your best all the time. She won't be able to resist you, hands down. Appearance can play a large role in showing your ex that you're moving on and look great. If you look great and take the time to look your best, your ex will notice, and will respond positively.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.
1 - Though it may seem counter intuitive when rekindling the relationship is what you seek, if you want to learn how to get her back you need to begin by cutting off communication for a while. This is going to be tough, and it may even feel as if it is killing you, but it will be killing her even more. After a little bit of time she will begin to realize how much she really needs you, and how much she desperately misses you. Cutting off communication is one of the biggest and most vital steps in rekindling things with your ex.
2 - Allow yourself to recover emotionally. If you want to learn how to get her back, you need to take the time to become emotionally controlled and calmed down. Women dislike me who are desperate, clingy or needy, so pull your life together and get over those feelings long before you consider trying to draw her back in to your life.
3 - Flirt with someone new. This is another step that may seem counter intuitive in nature, but it is extremely useful if you are trying to learn how to get her back. Start talking to another girl, because it will be too much for your ex to bear. Not only will this benefit you because it will take some of your stress away, but it will also let your ex girlfriend know that you are moving on, which will make her jealous and cause her to realize how much she really wants to be with you.
4 - Behave as if nothing is bothering you. In other words, if you want to learn how to get her back, you need to play it cool. She is not going to want to take you back if you are feeling and behaving depressed. You need to make sure that you are behaving as if you are having a good time, overcoming the break up depression to let her know that everything is okay.
5 - Always look your best. Make sure that you are dressed to kill and look your best all the time. She won't be able to resist you, hands down. Appearance can play a large role in showing your ex that you're moving on and look great. If you look great and take the time to look your best, your ex will notice, and will respond positively.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.
Our best advice? Take a look at this and....Click to start getting her back today!
How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On
Have you lost your boyfriend, and are now asking for help on "how to get my ex back when he's moved on'? Don't bother moping, because what you have lost does not mean you have lost it forever. Here are some quick and simple tips for learning how to get your ex back even if he has moved on to another woman and no longer appears to be interested in associating with you.
1 - The first step to getting the man of your dreams back is finding a way to convince him that he still wants you. Unless he really, really does not want anything to do with you, then there are a number of options that you can employ from this point on.
2 - One of the most advantageous things that you can do is simply to be his friend. Be a really good friend to him, showing him that you understand him and that you can be around him without creating any drama. Show him that you can joke around with him and have a healthy friendship. When the drama and stress of the relationship and breakup have subsided, he may realize that he wants you again.
3 - When you communicate with your ex boyfriend, be sweet and kind to him but don't be afraid to have a little bit of attitude. You are going to want him to want you, but you're also going to want to give him the feeling that he cannot have you just yet. While playing games is not the best way to go, you do want give an air of hard to get, making him more interested in the process.
4 - You should be playing a little bit hard to get, but you also want to make sure that he knows you are available. You shouldn't completely rule out the concept of flirting and hanging out with friends, because drumming up a little bit of jealousy never hurt anyone - But it is important that you play it safe because if he doesn't think you are available, he probably will not find the motivation to pursue you.
5 - Avoid acting desperate at all costs. If you act desperate, your ex boyfriend will under estimate you. You are going to want to play things cool, letting him know that you are okay with everything that has happened, and that you are willing to move on. If you act desperate, things won't work out the way you are intending them to, so avoid doing this at all costs.
6 - Any time that you know he is looking at you, or if you feel like he is looking at you, look at him out of the corner of your eye. This sidelong glance will let him know that you are paying attention to him, but in a mysterious "you can't have me" kind of way.
7 - Casually remind him of some of the best times that you have had together. These good memories will help him to remember how good the two of you used to be together. Don't bring up any bad memories, because it will only hurt his bad side, which will not do you any good.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. Get “The Magic Of Making Up”, right here and....change your life for the!
1 - The first step to getting the man of your dreams back is finding a way to convince him that he still wants you. Unless he really, really does not want anything to do with you, then there are a number of options that you can employ from this point on.
2 - One of the most advantageous things that you can do is simply to be his friend. Be a really good friend to him, showing him that you understand him and that you can be around him without creating any drama. Show him that you can joke around with him and have a healthy friendship. When the drama and stress of the relationship and breakup have subsided, he may realize that he wants you again.
3 - When you communicate with your ex boyfriend, be sweet and kind to him but don't be afraid to have a little bit of attitude. You are going to want him to want you, but you're also going to want to give him the feeling that he cannot have you just yet. While playing games is not the best way to go, you do want give an air of hard to get, making him more interested in the process.
4 - You should be playing a little bit hard to get, but you also want to make sure that he knows you are available. You shouldn't completely rule out the concept of flirting and hanging out with friends, because drumming up a little bit of jealousy never hurt anyone - But it is important that you play it safe because if he doesn't think you are available, he probably will not find the motivation to pursue you.
5 - Avoid acting desperate at all costs. If you act desperate, your ex boyfriend will under estimate you. You are going to want to play things cool, letting him know that you are okay with everything that has happened, and that you are willing to move on. If you act desperate, things won't work out the way you are intending them to, so avoid doing this at all costs.
6 - Any time that you know he is looking at you, or if you feel like he is looking at you, look at him out of the corner of your eye. This sidelong glance will let him know that you are paying attention to him, but in a mysterious "you can't have me" kind of way.
7 - Casually remind him of some of the best times that you have had together. These good memories will help him to remember how good the two of you used to be together. Don't bring up any bad memories, because it will only hurt his bad side, which will not do you any good.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. Get “The Magic Of Making Up”, right here and....change your life for the!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back in Five Steps
If you really want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, there are a number of steps that you can follow to have more success than if you just wing it and hope for the best. Breakups happen, but they do not necessarily have to be forever. Here are five steps that will allow you to subtly let your ex girlfriend know that you're still interested in being a fixture in her life, so that you can potentially rekindle things in the right away.
5 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, start by reaching out to her. Playing too hard to get is not the best way to approach this, though communication should be scaled back. Reach out to her and let her know subtly that you are still interested in being a part of her life.
4 - Drop her an e-mail to keep in touch. But only one. If you do not find casual, easy going methods of communication with your ex, you will never be able to get her back. Staying in touch is absolutely vital, but keep it to a casual message like "Hey, what's up?" rather than overwhelming her in-box with love poetry.
3 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, stay away from other girls. Sure, she may be understanding enough to let it slide if you begin to pursue other "prospects", but if you want to get your girlfriend back, stay away from other ladies.
2 - Remember the important things. Part of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back means treating her like a princess. One of the easiest ways to do this is to show her that you care by remembering the most important anniversaries and dates in her life. Send her a card on her birthday, and let her know you're thinking about her in a harmless and positive way.
1 - Call and text, but use discretion when reaching out to her. You should not be afraid to send your ex girlfriend a text message, or drop her a line here and there. Uncertainty is something that should be avoided in life and love, so call her up and let her know what's going on so that she knows where you are and what you're doing, and doesn't have to imagine that you're out having fun without her, or with another woman. Let her know you care, and that you still think about her. If she knows she's still in your thoughts so frequently, it will contribute heavily to how quickly she will want to rekindle things with you.
There is no exact process or science to the process of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back, but there are some pretty clear cut suggestions out there that will steer you in the right direction. Obviously maintaining contact and communication is absolutely vital to the rekindling process, but do not over do it, otherwise you may scare her away.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. If you want those results too.... go here first....then go for it!
5 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, start by reaching out to her. Playing too hard to get is not the best way to approach this, though communication should be scaled back. Reach out to her and let her know subtly that you are still interested in being a part of her life.
4 - Drop her an e-mail to keep in touch. But only one. If you do not find casual, easy going methods of communication with your ex, you will never be able to get her back. Staying in touch is absolutely vital, but keep it to a casual message like "Hey, what's up?" rather than overwhelming her in-box with love poetry.
3 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, stay away from other girls. Sure, she may be understanding enough to let it slide if you begin to pursue other "prospects", but if you want to get your girlfriend back, stay away from other ladies.
2 - Remember the important things. Part of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back means treating her like a princess. One of the easiest ways to do this is to show her that you care by remembering the most important anniversaries and dates in her life. Send her a card on her birthday, and let her know you're thinking about her in a harmless and positive way.
1 - Call and text, but use discretion when reaching out to her. You should not be afraid to send your ex girlfriend a text message, or drop her a line here and there. Uncertainty is something that should be avoided in life and love, so call her up and let her know what's going on so that she knows where you are and what you're doing, and doesn't have to imagine that you're out having fun without her, or with another woman. Let her know you care, and that you still think about her. If she knows she's still in your thoughts so frequently, it will contribute heavily to how quickly she will want to rekindle things with you.
There is no exact process or science to the process of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back, but there are some pretty clear cut suggestions out there that will steer you in the right direction. Obviously maintaining contact and communication is absolutely vital to the rekindling process, but do not over do it, otherwise you may scare her away.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. If you want those results too.... go here first....then go for it!
How to Get Back With My Ex Girlfriend
If you are wondering how you can get back with your ex girlfriend, the first thing that you need to understand is that this is a very delicate situation. Your feelings may be hurt, and her feelings may also be hurt - And it is important that you are careful about what you're doing accordingly, otherwise feelings may be hurt even worse.
Here are the considerations that you need to make when it comes to figuring out how to get back with your ex girlfriend.
1 - First and foremost, what was it that you did in order to cause the break up? Girls do not break up with guys completely out of the blue, so there is probably a really good reason behind the action even if you are not immediately aware of what it is. The first step in this process has to be to figure out what went wrong, whether or not it could have been prevented, and how can you can fix it now that you know what it is.
2 - If the break up with your ex girlfriend was entirely your fault, then the first thing that you need to do to help rekindle things is to let your ex girlfriend know that you recognize what happened, you recognize that it was your fault, and that you are sorry for your actions and the unintended consequences.
3 - You should continue to socialize with other people, even though you are trying to court your ex again. Just because you and your ex are not in contact right now, that does not mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world. You should date another girl, or at least go out and have some fun with your friends. It may even work to your advantage for you to cause some jealousy in your ex partner if you really do want to get them back.
4 - Show your ex that you have moved on, but you also need to show her that you still care about her. This is the most ideal way to eventually get her back. Let her know that you have not completely moved on, and that you still have feelings for her, and this will make you appear more mature to her, and more desirable as well.
5 - Finally, it is important that you work hard to become friends with your ex again. This will build trust, and will help to make you closer to one another.
Afterwards, you should ask her why you broke up in the first place, but be casual about it rather than appearing desperate. She will either admit that it was a mistake that the two of you broke up, or she will let you know that the break up was for the better. Once you have an answer, you can proceed from there.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. To get your own copy of this excellent plan....don't waste another day....get it now!
Here are the considerations that you need to make when it comes to figuring out how to get back with your ex girlfriend.
1 - First and foremost, what was it that you did in order to cause the break up? Girls do not break up with guys completely out of the blue, so there is probably a really good reason behind the action even if you are not immediately aware of what it is. The first step in this process has to be to figure out what went wrong, whether or not it could have been prevented, and how can you can fix it now that you know what it is.
2 - If the break up with your ex girlfriend was entirely your fault, then the first thing that you need to do to help rekindle things is to let your ex girlfriend know that you recognize what happened, you recognize that it was your fault, and that you are sorry for your actions and the unintended consequences.
3 - You should continue to socialize with other people, even though you are trying to court your ex again. Just because you and your ex are not in contact right now, that does not mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world. You should date another girl, or at least go out and have some fun with your friends. It may even work to your advantage for you to cause some jealousy in your ex partner if you really do want to get them back.
4 - Show your ex that you have moved on, but you also need to show her that you still care about her. This is the most ideal way to eventually get her back. Let her know that you have not completely moved on, and that you still have feelings for her, and this will make you appear more mature to her, and more desirable as well.
5 - Finally, it is important that you work hard to become friends with your ex again. This will build trust, and will help to make you closer to one another.
Afterwards, you should ask her why you broke up in the first place, but be casual about it rather than appearing desperate. She will either admit that it was a mistake that the two of you broke up, or she will let you know that the break up was for the better. Once you have an answer, you can proceed from there.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.
T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. To get your own copy of this excellent plan....don't waste another day....get it now!
How To Get Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend
Sacrifice and compromise are both critical parts in the give and take that goes hand in hand with any relationship. If you are asking "How can I get back together with my ex boyfriend?" then you are going to need to keep these things in mind. Nothing is going to make mending a broken relationship simple, but some of the advice contained within this article can certainly make it a lot less difficult overall to give him a reason to want to come back to you.
So while you may be obsessing with the all important question, "how can I get back together with my ex boyfriend?", what you need to be focusing on is rectifying the causes of failure. By doing so you will be able to eliminate the tension and stress which brought the split on in the first place.
When a relationship fails, you need to take that as an indication that something went wrong. If your boyfriend left you, then it was likely for one of two reasons: Either the relationship was becoming stale because there was not enough of you in it, or the relationship was getting too claustrophobic because there was too much of you in it. Either way, one of these causes is going to lead to relationship suicide. If you are asking "How can I get back together with my ex boyfriend", then you need to start looking at which of these led to the break up so you can act accordingly.
Whatever the issue is that chiefly contributed to the split, it was probably either something that you did, or something that you didn't do. It may be harsh to look at things this way, but that is simply how it usually works. The person who was broken up with either did, or did not do something and the person doing the splitting simply felt driven away. So now what happens, and how can you manage to get him to come back? The first step is to change whatever it was that drove him away in the first place.
You need to sit down and really take a hard look at your situation. What could have led to the breakup? Which of these things were your fault, and which were not your fault?
Rule out the ones that were out of your control, since they continue to be out of your control, and focus on the things that you did do wrong, the ones that you can in fact change. If your biggest problem is something that you were responsible for and that you could change, then there is a very good chance that you can still get back together with him. However, you must be certain you really are willing to make the necessary changes to appeal to him again.
Just knowing how to get back together with your ex boyfriend is not enough. It won't happen unless you are willing to take action. Now!
Here's where to get "The Magic of Making Up"....go here to bring the Magic closer!
So while you may be obsessing with the all important question, "how can I get back together with my ex boyfriend?", what you need to be focusing on is rectifying the causes of failure. By doing so you will be able to eliminate the tension and stress which brought the split on in the first place.
When a relationship fails, you need to take that as an indication that something went wrong. If your boyfriend left you, then it was likely for one of two reasons: Either the relationship was becoming stale because there was not enough of you in it, or the relationship was getting too claustrophobic because there was too much of you in it. Either way, one of these causes is going to lead to relationship suicide. If you are asking "How can I get back together with my ex boyfriend", then you need to start looking at which of these led to the break up so you can act accordingly.
Whatever the issue is that chiefly contributed to the split, it was probably either something that you did, or something that you didn't do. It may be harsh to look at things this way, but that is simply how it usually works. The person who was broken up with either did, or did not do something and the person doing the splitting simply felt driven away. So now what happens, and how can you manage to get him to come back? The first step is to change whatever it was that drove him away in the first place.
You need to sit down and really take a hard look at your situation. What could have led to the breakup? Which of these things were your fault, and which were not your fault?
Rule out the ones that were out of your control, since they continue to be out of your control, and focus on the things that you did do wrong, the ones that you can in fact change. If your biggest problem is something that you were responsible for and that you could change, then there is a very good chance that you can still get back together with him. However, you must be certain you really are willing to make the necessary changes to appeal to him again.
Just knowing how to get back together with your ex boyfriend is not enough. It won't happen unless you are willing to take action. Now!
Here's where to get "The Magic of Making Up"....go here to bring the Magic closer!
How to get an Ex back
Did you just experience a break up? Are you wondering how to go get an ex back? Almost every adult has experienced some kind of a break up, and most just work on moving on rather than looking for a way to get an ex back. But if you are over playing the victim and want to put some work in to get an ex back, then there are options for you. Everyone deals with breakup, but does break up simply mean that you cannot get back together with your ex?
The fact is, 90 percent of the time there is no reason why you cannot get an ex back after a break up, providing that you know what steps are necessary to win your ex back. The first step in learning how to get an ex back is to determine what exactly happened that caused the break up. Even though you cannot go back into the past, and you cannot change what happened, you can learn from the mistakes that were made and you can try to learn and grow from the experiences.
The break up may have occurred because of a single event, or it may have occurred from behaviors that your ex could not deal with anymore. No matter what the reason was that led to the breakup, you need to get the specifics figured out so that you can deal with the situation if it should ever come up again. You can get an ex back if you know how, but if you want to make it work on a long term basis, you need to figure out what went wrong in the first place.
The next step in the process is to ensure that you are not coming off as a needy person. Everyone will feel like they cannot live without their ex, but there is no point in making this obvious. Instead, you should stay strong, and let your ex see that you are doing just fine by yourself. If you let everyone around you see your comfort and self confidence, then you will have a better chance of getting back together with your ex.
Trying to get back at your ex, or trying to make your ex jealous is not a good way to operate. In fact, these are some of the worst things that you can possibly do, because it will show your ex that he or she should simply move on because you already have. While you do want your ex to see that you're doing fine, you do not want it to inspire him or her to completely move on if your ideal scenario is to get back together. Let your ex see how strong and self confident you are, and they will feel inspired to get back together with you.
The fact is, 90 percent of the time there is no reason why you cannot get an ex back after a break up, providing that you know what steps are necessary to win your ex back. The first step in learning how to get an ex back is to determine what exactly happened that caused the break up. Even though you cannot go back into the past, and you cannot change what happened, you can learn from the mistakes that were made and you can try to learn and grow from the experiences.
The break up may have occurred because of a single event, or it may have occurred from behaviors that your ex could not deal with anymore. No matter what the reason was that led to the breakup, you need to get the specifics figured out so that you can deal with the situation if it should ever come up again. You can get an ex back if you know how, but if you want to make it work on a long term basis, you need to figure out what went wrong in the first place.
The next step in the process is to ensure that you are not coming off as a needy person. Everyone will feel like they cannot live without their ex, but there is no point in making this obvious. Instead, you should stay strong, and let your ex see that you are doing just fine by yourself. If you let everyone around you see your comfort and self confidence, then you will have a better chance of getting back together with your ex.
Trying to get back at your ex, or trying to make your ex jealous is not a good way to operate. In fact, these are some of the worst things that you can possibly do, because it will show your ex that he or she should simply move on because you already have. While you do want your ex to see that you're doing fine, you do not want it to inspire him or her to completely move on if your ideal scenario is to get back together. Let your ex see how strong and self confident you are, and they will feel inspired to get back together with you.
Here's even more help....grab it while it's here. One touch away!
Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me?
How To
If your ex is showing you a little bit of interest, or seems more interested in going out and spending time with you than before, or if you notice signs that your ex is trying to flirt with you, then it's okay to be a little hopeful but you need to avoid jumping the gun. Are you asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me"?
These are definitely very common signs that your ex is interested in getting you back. But even if you want to get back with your ex, you should not simply jump into things. The best way to play things is to play hard to get (in moderation), which is probably what your ex will best respond to anyway. If you simply jump into things full force, then you may find your ex pushing you back again. In fact, if your ex is giving indications that he or she wants you back, then the odds are, it was you playing hard to get that led to the renewed interest in the first place.
Usually when you break up with your ex, or he/she breaks up with you, there is a natural level of missing one another, or longing to get back together. This is especially true following a relationship of a year or longer. Your ex is probably going to miss you no matter what, because of how many memories were shared together during this period of time. But there are other emotions that come into play including past regrets. If you are wondering "does my ex want to get back with me" the odds are that your ex may be thinking the same thing for the same reasons.
Sometimes when an ex shows interest again following a break up, it is only a game. They may see that you love them, and they may simply be trying to get attention, without actually intending to get you back. So, unless your ex really seems genuinely interested in spending time with you, they may just be passing the time because they have no other prospects on the horizon. And worst of all they may see this as a way to get revenge for some perceived wrong. This is why it is important not to jump the gun, and why you should focus on really thinking about the situation before you act on it.
This is common, and a lot of people find themselves wondering "does my ex want to get back with me?", but the truth is, it's better to get a feel for the situation before you act. In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting you back.
These are definitely very common signs that your ex is interested in getting you back. But even if you want to get back with your ex, you should not simply jump into things. The best way to play things is to play hard to get (in moderation), which is probably what your ex will best respond to anyway. If you simply jump into things full force, then you may find your ex pushing you back again. In fact, if your ex is giving indications that he or she wants you back, then the odds are, it was you playing hard to get that led to the renewed interest in the first place.
Usually when you break up with your ex, or he/she breaks up with you, there is a natural level of missing one another, or longing to get back together. This is especially true following a relationship of a year or longer. Your ex is probably going to miss you no matter what, because of how many memories were shared together during this period of time. But there are other emotions that come into play including past regrets. If you are wondering "does my ex want to get back with me" the odds are that your ex may be thinking the same thing for the same reasons.
Sometimes when an ex shows interest again following a break up, it is only a game. They may see that you love them, and they may simply be trying to get attention, without actually intending to get you back. So, unless your ex really seems genuinely interested in spending time with you, they may just be passing the time because they have no other prospects on the horizon. And worst of all they may see this as a way to get revenge for some perceived wrong. This is why it is important not to jump the gun, and why you should focus on really thinking about the situation before you act on it.
This is common, and a lot of people find themselves wondering "does my ex want to get back with me?", but the truth is, it's better to get a feel for the situation before you act. In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting you back.
If you're serious about this....go here. Tomorrow could be too late!
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